Potato Review

InCa™ Plus is an advanced foliar spray which increases the marketable yield in brassicas, leafy greens, root vegetables and potatoes. It uses patented CaT™ technology to increase calcium mobility by stimulating selective ion transport channels in membranes. It increases calcium concentration in cells and enables calcium to move within the plant through the symplastic pathway even when low transpiration limits calcium movement. Inca Plus improves crop resilience and quality, raising yields and extending shelf life. In over 200 trials on potatoes globally, Inca Plus delivered an average 1.5 t/ha increase in marketable yields. The increases were even greater in low yielding varieties, mid to late crops, and situations where irrigation was a limiting factor. WITHMOBILITY COMES REWARD Optimal calcium mobility for stronger, higher yielding crops In Scottish trials with Nairobi carrots, calcium content was measured in carrots treated with Inca Plus compared with an untreated control. InCa Plus increased the calcium content by 9.6% and gave a 19% increase in marketable yield. In US trials, the improved calcium content led to a reduction in cavity spot. InCa Plus is compatible with most crop inputs although jar tests are recommended to confirm compatibility. Regular application at low rates increases calcium mobility, marketable yield and shelf life. To find out more about the science behind InCa™ Plus, visit www.croptechnologies.co.uk 10 8 6 4 2 0 Increase in marketable yield with Inca Plus (t/ha) Marketable yield in the untreated plots Non-irrigated Irrigated 50 - 60 t/ha >60 t/ha <50 t/ha InCa Plus improves marketable yield for potatoes Source: Arvalis, 2016. InCa™ Plus is manufactured by Plant Impact Ltd and distributed in the UK by Omya UK Ltd. For your nearest distributor, contact David McLellan on 07710 712030.

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