Potato Review

28 POTATO REVIEW NOVEMBER 2021 AGRICO VARIETY DAYS Maris Piper, is twenty years older than that. In mainland Europe it appears there’s more willingness from growers and processors to try new varieties. “If we’re to meet our environmental challenges and commitments from both ends of the industry, varietal qualities we will need include greater drought tolerance, and improved pest and disease tolerance. “And I think there’s more we processors can do to boost crop efficiency and utilise more of it. Three years ago we had a crop shortfall, and as a result reduced tuber size requirements from 40mm to 35mm, a move which worked out fine. We should be able to deal with second-quality potatoes and sorting the grades – this might bring in five per cent extra useable tonnage and could make a big difference over the UK acreage. It happens in pre-pack, so why not in processing? “Tied in with this, though, I think there is perhaps an over-production issue. Ultimately, we all have to produce products that buyers want, keep producers in business and meet our sustainability commitments throughout the chain.” Andrew Johnston, seed manager at Wolds Produce: the variety portfolio available in the UK remains large, and there are good opportunities for seed growers. New salad variety Jacky outyielded Maris Peer and offshoot Gemson in trials by several tonnes/ha. It offers double nines for blight, consistency, and good eating qualities. At its September variety days Agrico was keen to highlight not only its blight-focused breeding programme, but also its commitment to the Potatoes industry support.

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