ACR Journal

it is challenging, exciting, and fun. I also have the perfect work-life balance. My involvement in SmartThings and B.IoT is giving me first hand opportunities to liaise, train and/or share knowledge with customers and colleagues. The way we are living is changing and I want to be a part of this change. What is the best piece of advice you were ever given? There’s no such thing as silly questions – be curious and put your hand up! What do you see as the challenges facing the industry? A key challenge is definitely driving forward much needed progress on attracting women and young girls who are considering a career in the HVAC industry. Based on my personal experience, there have been moments where stereotypical assumptions come into play but I didn’t let them hold me back and used it as encouragement, proving people wrong. I am making positive changes in this industry just by succeeding in my role and sharing my experiences, proving it can be done What would you say to other women who are considering coming into the ACR industry? Just go for it, ask questions, be curious and ‘get your hands dirty’! Is there a little-known fact about yourself that would surprise other people? Not many people know that I build and collect Lego! I also enhance my builds with lights and sometimes even improvise from the original design in question. I also am a big memorabilia collector. My collection will vary from 80s movie props, Marvel limited editions, and watches. CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai 37 WOMEN IN ACR

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