ACR Journal

CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai 23 REFRIGERANTS should be greater incentives for circular economy driven companies who have the answers to help the regulators achieve a better result. Sustainable management Recovering and reclaiming refrigerants is a great example of the circular economy in action. By doing so, we are making sure that these gases are not vented or leaked into the atmosphere, and through their re-use, we are also avoiding the need to produce the equivalent quantity of virgin refrigerants; this effectively doubles the emissions savings on offer. Reclaimed refrigerant is used refrigerant that has been recovered and processed at a licensed facility through mechanisms such as filtering, drying and non-condensable gas removal to return it to the same quality as virgin refrigerant, in line with AHRI 700 specification. Reclaimed refrigerant can reduce the need for gases manufactured or imported via quota; gases saved from disposal and returned to use also reduce raw material usage, energy consumption and unnecessary transport, normally associated with virgin production. The road to Net Zero will not be a simple one, and managing the existing installed bank of refrigerants in a sustainable way will have a key role to play on this journey. By utilising innovative tools that are already out there, the industry can make a significant contribution to protecting the planet. A-Gas is committed to protecting the environment by reducing global warming gases and preventing their release into the atmosphere. For almost 30 years, through our first-class recovery, reclamation, and repurposing processes, we have been capturing refrigerant gas for future re-use or safe destruction, preventing its harmful release into the atmosphere. Our extensive range of products and services are designed to help our industry on its journey to Net Zero. A-Gas has the people, products and services designed to help our industry on its journey to Net Zero

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