
48 Autumn/Winter 2021 PUBLIC AFFAIRS UPDATE CORONAVIRUS Although we are thankfully out of lockdown, HAE EHA continues to monitor the position across the UK and in the constituent nations. In several nations, the use of vaccine passports have become mandatory for major events. While not the case for England, this option remains one of the measures potentially for adoption should pressure on the NHS reach unsustainable levels. HAE EHA produces regular updates at: covid19-member-advice/ FUEL AND DRIVERS As a logistics sector, hire is affected by both shortages in fuel and drivers. The petrol and diesel supply issues seem to have been addressed but it demonstrated the fragility of supply chains and this has shown up the impact of fewer HGV drivers across the economy. Hire members have been reporting gaps in driver availability and supply chain delays for some time. Government reaction in relation to HGV drivers will take some time to take effect and pressures will continue for some time. ECONOMY A post-lockdown surge in business levels is being reported across the economy and in the hire sector. However, inflationary pressures are being stoked, with wage levels and claims reaching inflation or inflation- plus figures. The Bank of England, which is responsible for managing inflation levels, is thought to be considering a rise in interest rates by end-2021. SECURITY AND THEFT IN THE HIRE SECTOR HAE EHA welcomes the new ACE national policing team and was represented at a recent launch event. ACE will focus on intelligence gathering and sharing with police forces and agencies to disrupt organised and other crime. HAE EHA will be a strong partner for ACE and we are represented on the hire industry fraud and security forum and CITS. For more information on ACE please contact Mark Bradshaw. ENERGY PRICES RISE With global gas prices spiking in recent weeks, costs for domestic and business customers have reached levels not experienced in some years. Many businesses will be using gas for heating and other requirements and HAE EHA is keen to hear from members about the extra cost burden being faced. NET ZERO The global COP26 Conference in Glasgow in late-October focused attention on the threat from climate change. HAE EHA has formed a small working group to help shape our support for members on the Net Zero agenda. It is important that this is a collaborative exercise, with BEIS and other trade bodies who share our ambition to support members to navigate the ever-changing requirements

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