
50 Summer 2021 T he Kickstart Scheme provides funding to employers to create new 6-month job placements for young people aged 16-24 who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. This is part of the government’s Plan for Jobs which aims to create new, fully funded jobs across England, Scotland and Wales. Placement registration for the scheme ends in December 2021 and is expected to create 250,000 high quality jobs for the young unemployed. Employers can spread the job start dates up until 31st December 2021. They’ll get funding until 30th June 2022 if a young person starts their job on 31st December 2021. HAE EHA successfully applied to become a Gateway for HAE EHA members to take part in the programme and the 14 employers participating via our Gateway have jointly created 49 positions and currently 5 young people are employed on their 6 month placement, with the chance to lead to permanent employment and long careers in the hire industry. Our Gateway status allows for far easier access to the Kickstart programme as HAE EHA acts as the administrator for the scheme on members behalf. With many reports outlining current skills shortages in the construction, hospitality and events sectors, now is the perfect opportunity for you to look further into the Kickstart Scheme. The roles applicants apply for: • should be a minimum of 25 hours per week, for 6 months • should be paid at least the National Minimum Wage for their age group • must not require people to undertake extensive training before they begin the job placement Funding for each job placement will cover: • 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week • the associated employer National Insurance contributions • employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions Further details can be found on the website: scheme If you would like HAE EHA to take on the role of your intermediary please get in touch with our Training Project Lead Alan Wemyss on 0121 380 4615. Alternatively, to find out more, visit HAE EHA’s Kickstart Page. More information can be found on the Kickstart Scheme Website. There is still an opportunity for additional employers to join the Gateway but applications have to be submitted by 31st October to allow for due diligence checks by the DWP and recruitment before the 31st December 2021 closing date. << HAE EHA SUPPORTING GOVERNMENT KICKSTART SCHEME

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