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www.thefis.org 13 of obligations under our audit including: • Annual sign up to declare commitment to the conditions of the scheme • Ensure the required scheme statement on PPE and safety equipment is includedwithin the companyQuality Policy • Demonstrate that they have aworkable Product Recall/Corrective action process •Theymust submit to a randomly selectedPPE Product Audit and test whichwe carry out at a Government accredited laboratory or, • Non-PPEAudit process – this often comes into playwhen companies provide servicing services for equipment like breathing apparatus or smoke detection systems •Theymust educate their customer facing staff in theBSIF, NEBOSHendorsed, SafeSupplyQualification–marketing PPE is a seriousbusiness andstaffmust knowwhat theyare talkingabout tohelp customerswithspecialist advice •Themembermust complete and adhere to the relevant compliance protocols for Importer/Distributor to show theymeet the requirements of theRegulation • And theymust have all necessary and relevant Liability Insurances in place Although the scheme audits awide range of obligations that suppliersmust discharge within the PPERegulation 2016/425.Themost indicative element is the fact that BSIF tests products offered for sale to see if they perform as they claimand givewearers the protection, they believe they are buying.The schemewas originally aimed atmanagingBSIFmembers but for the greater good of wearers BSIF also tests PPE fromnon-members and herewe seewhy having a scheme for registered safety suppliers is amust. In conclusion Themessage is clear: • Check your supplier is a Registered Safety Supplier • Select the correct PPE for theHazard, a RegisteredSupplier can helpwith specialist advice • Protect your people TheRegisteredSafety Supplier Scheme is important as it appears anyone can sell safety equipment or PPE. You should not buy safety from just anyone! Asmentioned, Check, Select andProtect and always buy froma Registered Supplier. Remember you can trust the “Shield”. www.bsif.co.uk TheBSIF is the trade body for the safety industry in theUK and has been in existence since the early nineteen nineties, fromaround the time that the original European Personal Protective Equipment Directive came into law. BSIFmembers are the “economic operators” in themarket, includingmanufacturers, importers, distributors and specialist service providers of PPE and safety equipment.The biggest names are in the federation of course and perhaps very importantly, so too are the smaller regional businesses that need the support and guidance of the trade body in this very important and highly regulated, safety critical area. Also, within themembership of BSIF are all of theGovernment approved bodies, who are responsible for conformity assessment and product “approval” decisions on PPE. TheBSIF believewe deliver on our promises through theRegisteredSafety Supplier Scheme and through this schemewe police themarket and attempt to remove unsafe non-compliant PPE fromtheUK and providewearerswith an opportunity to source quality product through capable suppliers.There are nearly 300 audited and registered suppliers 1 . Source 1. www.registeredsafetysupplierscheme.co.uk/suppliers Jigsaw infographic customisable example Health and Safety

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