Crossed Grain | Spring 2016 - page 8

In 2016 we will be holding spring, summer and Christmas Raffle draws.
The proceeds from our Raffles make up a significant part of the funds
available for our work. Every time you take part in the Raffle you will
be helping us to develop our services, invest in ongoing research and
campaign on the issues surrounding coeliac disease. Thank you.
All of our Christmas Raffle winners have now been contacted. To view
the winning ticket information please visit:
Thank you to everyone who has organised their own gluten-free dinner party, following
the launch of our Gluten-free Dinner Challenge in autumn 2015, to try and help raise
£10,000 to support our vital work. So far it has proved popular and we will therefore
continue to run the challenge for the rest of the year.
If you would like one of our Gluten-free Dinner Challenge packs please contact our
Fundraising Team.
Spring Raffle
Week will
soon be here!
Join the
campaign - get
out and about
01494 796724
Awareness Week
is from 9-15 May 2016
– put it in your diary
and get involved!
Following the incredible success of our summer and
Christmas Raffles, which raised over £300,000 in 2015,
Coeliac UK will be trialling a new spring Raffle.
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