Crossed Grain | Spring 2016 - page 9

This year we’re heading to Bath Racecourse for our
Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday 2 July.
Once again we’ll have our popular dietetic clinics and
several speakers lined up throughout the day for you
to enjoy.
Alongside the more formal event will be the
gluten-free food fair which is being held with the
support of our Local Groups and Ian Severn, Organiser
of the Berkshire Local Voluntary Support Group.
More details on the AGM and food fair will be
included in the next edition of Crossed Grain magazine.
Coeliac UK’s first Treasure Hunt
Challenge was a great event. Six teams
took on the London based treasure hunt,
answering riddles along the way as they
explored the fascinating streets of our
historic capital. The event has so far
raised over £1,400 for Coeliac UK.
01494 796724
For news about our next Treasure Hunt Challenge
please contact our Fundraising Team.
Our Research Conference 2016 will be a
two day event. The first day will cover
the latest research in coeliac disease
from around the globe. The second day
will focus on research that supports the
Charity’s strategic aims around diagnosis
and management of the condition.
The event will be held on 9 and 10
March, bringing together researchers and
healthcare professionals, providing an
opportunity for continuing professional
development, networking, and to share
experiences and best practice.
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